Wednesday, February 29, 2012

When is a commercial lender is not a commercial lender ?

A commercial lender is not a commercial lender when you are dealing with a bank
A commercial lender offers loans of hard collateral, usually real estate secured. In general, a commercial lender's underwriting standards less stringent than the local bank. This is because most banks in the provision of private housing finance for individuals in the local community rather large amount of loans for real estate or commercial real estate to focus acquisition. Most commercial lenders are not concerned so much with the borrower's financial record and qualifications, because they are mortgage on the property value.
Unlike most banks, commercial lenders able to get a loan in a short time to be delivered to the rule within several weeks, depending on the mortgage terms. Commercial lenders offer a wide range of loans. Perhaps the most popular of these products is the bridging loan. Bridge loans are used most often to take advantage of time-critical Real Estate Opportunities or to avoid foreclosure.
A commercial lender is not a commercial lender, if there is a commercial broker
Sometimes a commercial broker is represented as a commercial lender. The difference between the two is that a commercial lender offering real money, while a commercial broker provides a convenient way for borrowers to find lenders. In most cases where a broker is used, there is no direct contact between the borrowers and commercial lenders. In fact, from the perspective of the broker, this would be a bad thing, because they benefit greatly from the middleman to the detriment of the borrower. So why are commercial brokers in business? By and large, they are much more effective in attracting potential borrowers than commercial lenders. Commercial brokers also provide the necessary infrastructure to carry out credit transactions. But with more and more transactions over the Internet, its chief value is their knowledge of and access to a long list of commercial lenders.
With more commercial lenders to market all the time, can diminish the value of the broker significantly in the near future. There are some significant advantages, allowing direct access to a commercial lender: 1) No broker fees, 2) a quick response. Direct communication is equally direct answers to your questions. A commercial lender may or may not provide you with either a credit, there is no incentive for them to waste time to find out whether you qualify or not. A broker who is on the other hand, often spend a lot of time to find what is best for them much, by starting from a direct lender to direct lenders. If help is not a commercial lender, they are able to give you what other lenders can tell. 3) The timely closings. By working directly with your lender, problems can be solved, questions answered and closed loans. Credit options can not be offered through a broker, by going directly to a commercial lender available.
What is the trade-off using a commercial lender?
Provided because of the quick turn around and placement of bridge loans and other high-risk commercial lender loan products, prices can be higher than at a bank. If you have the time and financial qualifications, you may be best served by your bank. However, commercial lenders a great option for people with "near-bank" loans, ie loans that are almost approved by the bank. With so many potential lenders available, it may seem a bit intimidating to an option that works for you. Often, the only significant factor, the two commercial lenders apart is the quality of their customer service. Traditionally, the commercial loan market are notoriously short on professionalism. Find a lender who is willing to set the time you need to take is to understand the details of your loan.

Ditulis Oleh : Tris P // 1:06 AM


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