Businesses have trouble getting financing, in the best. Normally you must have two years of solid financials before a money lender like a bank to even consider lending you money. Often, you need to have a strong personal credit history to qualify for a decent business loan from the start. Other lenders offer business loans specifically for start-ups so the process is easier than it was a decade ago. However, for the best chance of obtaining such funds as necessary, follow these four steps to consolidate be approved:
Be a homeowner
As a homeowner already created a history of lending and are in possession of a large size that can be used as collateral. Lenders are aware of the risk. New businesses are in a high risk bracket. There is no way to know if your idea will work, or if you are a good money manager or the execution of the idea to be expected. They must rely on their existing assets to pay the debt in case of default.
Include all assets in the application
The level of debt can be secured is usually determined by the amount of security can be placed against the loan. Owning a home is adequate as is usually the biggest asset of a person or a family owns. In business, there may be more than one person applying for each person should make a list of your assets as collateral to meet the highest possible credit.
Items that are considered active include:
The higher the value of assets more money than they can borrow. Be careful not to over-extend as they are likely to lose each asset used as collateral against the loan.
Having a good income record
Make your old tax returns in the record to show that you have had a good record of earnings. Despite starting a new business is going to affect this, if they are proven source of income then able to make the lender less cautious.
Accurately counts are hosting the assigned business loan
This is vitally important to get your loan approved at the highest level. If the lender can see exactly where the money goes that you can determine if your application is viable. If you just apply for $ 50,000 with no indication of how it will spend, then it may be rejected. If you make a request for $ 100,000, which details the total is likely to be approved:
$ 15,000 is for local
$ 50,000 is for equipment
$ 25,000 for inventory
$ 10,000 is for staff
From this short list, the money lender can see that if you default you can retrieve the money from the equipment and inventory accounting for 75% of the loan and the security they have.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/68589
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