A word of warning about credit card protection schemes for reimbursement:
People who sell you the policy and make your monthly payment for 'card protection' are not always (in fact, often are not) the people you will be dealing with in case of accident.
So be careful.
I picked up my cap to protect credit card in November last year (2004). I happily watched the monthly payments being made to date. I recently made a complaint. (I had a heart attack and had to be off work for 8 weeks) I cast for the forms, I sent back, along with the medical certificate, and waited. I finally got a request from the insurance company asking me to prove I was in labor for six months before taking the insurance. What? You may ask! Why? Well I called them and asked them - Why? The answer was that it was a "condition of politics' that I had to have been in employment for six months until the moment I took the policy." Why ~ I did not ask this information when I took the policy? I asked. The answer: "You have to ask your company credit card, we just deal with the claims. No amount of outrage from questioning me a sensible answer. I put the phone down in disgust. After all, my monthly payments were accepted without quibble at all. Nobody asked me if I was in employment in the last six months, when I signed on the dotted line for 'payment protection. "
I decided to call the company credit card and all I got was an automated machine asking me for my 16 digit account number ... ho hum. Been here before when I was trying to get them to send me out the request form. I hung up the phone.
Be warned. Not everything is as it seems. These guys will fall to sell you payment protection. But you wait until you need to complain about it. It's a different story.
Do not say I did not tell you ...
Stephen Lewis is an entrepreneur and author who lives in Devon, UK.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/58362
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